Project Descriptions
Sage Buser | Summary and Acrylic Painting (Google Drive)
Power, Innocence, and Death
My project intends, through visual aspects, to invoke emotion from the idea of innocence amidst the immorality of people during the spread of the “Fever.” It focuses more specifically on Ding Village located in rural China. I include in my project multiple visuals and key terms to highlight various themes. I added little color to my project. Altogether, the various themes in each visual ties together to convey the emotions of power, innocence and death in a very blunt manner.
Daniel Goldhaber | Interview (Google Drive)
Bridging Ding Village with Contemporary China
For my project is a ZOOM interview with Professor Lida V.Nedilsky, Sociologist from NorthPark University, Chicago. I’ve formulated questions, which allow professor Nedilsky to elaborate on themes relevant to Dream of Ding Village. As a result, we can gain insight into connections between the text and contemporary issues facing people of China. The questions are guided to hear her personal experiences and find similarities and differences in how governments react to issues from around the world and from different time periods. I believe that the role that the government and business people played is similar to what they do now but in different comparable ways.
Jaylian Martinez | Acrylic painting, 2nd (Google Drive)
Post Mortem
My acrylic paintings are for the viewers to imagine what happens in his death that are not his thoughts. The narrator is submitted into an egg of beauty and darkness and confusion that would lead him into his “next life” or next step. My other piece is an abstract painting that represents his family’s minds filled with guilt and blur after the incident which is nothing pretty since no child’s life should end that soon and be tragic. These paintings involve some Asian elements and colors to really catch that it is in his world.
Sabin Romero | Summary/ Acrylic Painting (Google Drive)
A Village From Within
My project uses personal expression through artwork to give a visual glimpse into Dream of Ding Village’s different themes and key points from the story. I used the village”s location, economy, and main characters as my reference as I depict Ding Village in my painting. The effect will offer each viewer my personal perspective of the symbolism used by Yan Lianke, who authored Dream of Ding Village
Jeremiah Rosenblatt | Summary/ Ink Drawing (Google Drive)
Dream Drawing
My project uses an image on paper approach, which depicts significant symbols referenced throughout Dream of Ding Village. My intention focuses on expression of the overall emotions that surfaced as we read during our virtual classroom time over the course of the past semester. I believe this project will give me the chance to express how I visually imagine the village looked as it reflects the emotions of the villagers and their disrupted lives during the time of “Fever” within China.
Jack Stuhlmacher, Gino Alioto, Mia Uribe, Kaz Walkowiak, Devin Powers & Noel Johnson | Video Game Model / Reproduction (Google Drive)
Minecraft Ding Village Replica
Our project uses a critical analysis of the book to create a video game model of Ding Village. We use specific quotes from the book to develop an understanding of locations, village life & the landscape. Using the Video Game “Minecraft” gives our group great flexibility and creativity to help create an accurate representation of the book. The Village gives a visual of what life was like for everyone, not just the main characters. It was especially important to our group to make a model of the village due to the censorship of “Dream of Ding Village” in Mainland China.