The (Daily) Life of the Mind: A Brown Bag Discussion on Cultivating Friendship and Worldliness in Humanities Research

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Center for the Humanities, University Club Building, Room 313, 432 E. Campus Mall
@ 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Please note: The time of this discussion has changed. It now begins at 10:30 AM and ends at 11:30 AM.

This brown bag discussion considers how research in the humanities can contribute to cultivating career-spanning relationships between scholars that can have positive impacts on both the quality of one’s research and one’s long-term mental health. Professors Elisabeth Anker (The George Washington University) and Ramzi Fawaz (UW-Madison), two interdisciplinary cultural studies scholars with a long history of friendship and mutual scholarly influence, will discuss how their own thinking in political theory and cultural and literary studies has been substantially supported by their developing friendship, including years-long conversations about the future of their respective fields of expertise.

This informal, small-group workshop is open to all faculty, staff, and students. Seats are limited and registration is required. To join, please email with your name and affiliation. You are free to bring a lunch and light refreshments will be served.